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  1. 一立方LNG天然气从美国运到欧洲多少钱?
  2. 大家知道润滑油行业的专业术语吗?

挪威船王弗雷德里克森旗下的LNG航运公司Flex LNG公司称,如果货物取消得到控制,LNG出口增加的潜力可能抵消明年预计的LNG新造船交付量的激增。2021年将是液化天然气运输船“令人兴奋的一年”。

Flex LNG公司首席执行官Oystein Kalleklev在近期第三季业绩电话会议上援引美国能源情报署(eia)数据称,明年美国液化天然气产量可能增加1,600万吨。

表示,对于航运而言,美国取消液化天然气订单的数量减少是“至关重要的”,因为当这些货物被拉到亚洲时,通常意味着较长的运距。Kalleklev 介绍到,今年约有180批美国液化天然气被取消。


Kalleklev 表示,“2021年将是液化天然气运输令人兴奋的一年,”虽然明年将有大约50艘新船预计交付,但新增的液化天然气将可能抵消明年预计的LNG新造船交付量的激增。









由约翰弗雷德里克森John fredriksen领导的Flex将在2021年5月完成其13艘LNG新船中的最后三艘船舶的交付。

Kalleklev表示,该公司原***在本月底接收其第11艘新船——17.34万立方米的Flex Freedom号,但目前已经将交接日期推迟到1月初。这位CEO还说,公司现在正在“积极地向潜在客户推销”Flex Freedom轮。

他说,这名17.4万立方米煤层气的Flex Volunteer已经完成了海试和气试,也可以在同一时间投入使用,但目前***在2月份移交。

Kalleklev表示,5月底17.4万立方米的Flex vigilance轮交付将意味着公司的新造船***的完成。






LNG是液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas)的简称。







所以在 气体运输过程中产生的价格差异,大致可以估算,大约是 30-40%,但是实际销售情况随着地域、政治等不同,会有较大差异的,没法准确了解。

Acid Number(AN) Milligrams Of KOH requirdd in tests tO neutralize all the acidic constituents present in a lg sample Of a petroleum product.Also formally called the Neutralization Number,this property is often used tO indicate the extent of con-tamination or oxidation Of used oils.

酸值(AN) 也称中和值,指中和1克油品试样中所有酸性物质所需氢氧化钾的毫克数。该性能指标通常用于表示已用过的油被污染和被氧化的程度。

Additive Any material that is incorporated into a product at relatively low concentration tO impart new properties Or enhanceexisting properties.

添加剂 以相对较低的浓度加入某一产品中,从而赋予该产品某种新的性能,或者增强其现有性能的任何材料,均称为添加剂。

Aniline point the minimum temperature for complete miscibility Of equal volumes Of aniline and the sample under test.Products containing aromatics or naphthenes h***e lower anilinc points than products containing paraffins.

苯胺点 指相同体积的苯胺与试样达到完全混溶所需的最低温度。含有芳烃和环烷烃的产品比含有石蜡的产品的苯胺点相对要低。

Antiwear(AW) Agent Additive that is active in preventing damage caused by occurrence Of solid phase welding between sliding surfaces without local surface melting.

抗磨(AW)添加剂 相互滑动的表面因发生相互摩擦会造成损坏。抗磨添加剂就是能有效防止这类磨损,同时又不会令发生滑动的表面熔化的添加剂。

APl Service Classification —A system Of letter designations agreed On by APl,SAE and AStM tO define broad classes Of engine service.Also a system Of service classifications for automotive gear lubricants.

APl适用级别分类 由API、SAE和ASTM共同商定并使用的一套英文字母代号,用以确定发动机油的主要适用级别,以及汽车变速箱润滑油的适用级别。

Aromatic A hydrocarbon derived from,or characterized by the presence of the benzene ring

芳烃 由苯环衍生出的、或因含有苯环而具有其特性的烃化物。

Bactericide Chemical compotmd which has the property of killing bacteria

杀菌剂 具有杀细菌作用的化合物。

Base Number(BN) Quantity of hydrochloric(ASTM D***4)or percldoric(ASTM D2896)acid expressed in mil ligrmns of KOH equivalent that is required to neutralize all the basic constituents of a l g sample of a petroleum product.

This property is uscd to indicate the capacity of an oil to counter the corrosive effects of acidic products of combustion.

碱值(BN) 中和存在于l克油品试样中全部碱组分所需要的盐酸(ASTM D***4)或高氯酸(ASTM D2896)的数量,以相当的氢氧化钾毫克数表示。该性能用于表示油品抵抗酸性燃烧产物腐蚀作用的能力。

Bright Stock Refined,high viscosity lubricating oil usually made from residual stocks by suitable treatment,such asa combination of acid treatment or solvent extraction with dewaxing or clay finishing.

光亮油 通常由渣油经加工处理而制成的精炼、高粘度微个个润滑油。加工处理的方式包括:酸处理(或溶剂萃取)与脱蜡(或粘土精制)相结合。

Carbon Residue Standardized test which measures the amount of carbon left behind after pyrolysis under standard conditions.

残炭 用于在标准条件下,测定油品裂解后剩余碳量的标准化测试方法。

Cleveland Open Cup(Oc)Tester ***aratus used to detemine the flash and fire points of most petroleum productswith flash pemks above 79℃。

克利夫兰开口杯(COC)测定器 用于测定闪点高于79℃的大多数油品闪点和燃点的装置。

Cloud point Temperature at which a moticea ble cloud of crystals or other solid material ***ears when a sample is cooled ender prescribed conditions.

浊点 在规定条件下,当油样冷却至产生明显雾状时的温度。(产生雾状是由于有晶体形成或其他固态物质生成)

Complex Grease A lubdcating grease thickened by a complex soap consisting Of a normal soap and a comPlexmg agent.

The use Of soap complexes gives products which h***e higher dropping points than similar lubricants made from normal soaps.

复合润滑脂 指用复合皂(即由普通皂与复合剂组成)进行稠化制成的润滑脂。使用复合皂制成的润滑脂与使用普通皂制成的同类润滑脂相比,具有更高的滴点。

Defoamants(Foam lnhibitor) Additiveused used in lubricating oilst to assist the collapse Of surthce layers Of foam caused by agitation Of the release of entrained Or entr***ed air.

抗泡添加剂(泡沫抑制剂) 加入到油品中、并令其产生的气泡表层破裂的添加剂。(润滑油内部气泡的形成。或由于搅拌、或由于其本身所夹带或滞留的空气被释放出来。)

Demulsibility Property of a lubricant tO separate from water.

抗乳化性 指润滑油与水分离的能力。

Density The mass Of liquid per unit Of volume Of substance at 15℃.

密度 在15℃的温度条件下,单位体积的某种物质所具有的液体质量。

Detergency Property Of a lubricating oil to reduce or prevent deposits formed under high temperature conditions Or as a re-suit Of the action on the oil of acidic contaminants.

清净性 指润滑油在高温条件下或在酸性污染物作用下,阻止或减少生成沉淀的能力。

Dielectric Strength A measure Of the insulating value Of an electrical insulating medium.The value depends to some ex—tent on the test method used.0

绝缘强度 指对一种电绝缘介质绝缘能力的量度。该数值在一定程度上取决于所使用的测量方法。

Dispcmancy Property Of an oil to disperseand suspend potential deposit—forming materials sO that they Can be removed from the system when the oil is drained.

分散性 油品所具有的分散和悬浮可能形成沉淀的物质、并在油品被抽出时将该物质带出系统的能力。

Dropping point —The temperatuer at which the first drop Of liquid separates when a grease is heated under prescribed conditions.

滴点 在规定条件下,将润滑脂加热至第一滴液体滴下时的温度。

Emulsion Intimate mixture Of two Or more materials which are immiscible Or partially miscible with each other.In most emulsions, one material is aqueous and the other is an oil.

乳化液 两种或两种以上互相不能溶混或仅能够部分溶混的物质所形成的完全混合物。

Extreme Pressure(EP) Additive —Chemical compound imparting extreme pressure characteristics tO a lubricant with the objecfive Of reducing wear under conditions where rug or sliding accompanies high contact pressures,as in he***ily loaded gears,particulars Of the hypoid type.

极压(EP)添加剂 在伴随着高接触压力的摩擦和滑动的情况下(如:在重载齿轮,特别是准双曲面型齿轮中),能够赋予润滑油抗极压性能,以达到减轻磨损目的的化合物。

Film Srength Ability of a film Of lubricants tO resist rupture due tO load,speed and temperature.

油膜强度 润滑油油膜抵抗因负荷、速度和温度而造成破裂的能力。

Floc Point The lowest temperature at which vapors rising a sample will ignite momentarily On ***lication Of a flame under specified conditions.

闪点 在规定条件下,油品加热后所逸出的蒸气与火焰接触发生瞬间闪火时的最低温度。

Flash Point The temperature at which a flocculent collection Of wax crystals first ***ears when a solution Of freon in oil is cooled under prescribed conditions.

絮凝点 在规定条件下,当把氟利昂的油溶液冷却到第一次出现蜡晶体的絮凝物时的温度。

FZG Load Stage The load which can be tran***itted by a pair of gears under the conditions Of test and temperature in the FZG gear machine.

FZG 负荷试验 在FZG齿轮机器的测试条件和温度下,一对齿轮能够传递的负荷。

KOH Chemical symbol fOr the alkdine Compound pstassium hydroxide.

KOH 氢氧化钾碱性化合物的化学符号。

Load Garrying capacity A quantitative term to describe the ability Of a lubricant tO resistr film rupture and protect agaimt wear and surface destruction under conditions of high speeds, high loads,high temperatures Or combinations Of these.

承载能力 描述在高速度、高负荷、高温或这些因素同时作用的情况下,润滑油抵抗油膜破裂、抗磨损以及保护表面免受损坏的能力的定量参数。

Load一wear index An index Of the abiliLy Of a lubricant tO prevent wear under ***lied loads as determined in the Four—Ball EP Tester.

负荷 —磨损指数是衡量润滑油在四球极压试验中所施加的负荷下所表现出的抗磨能力的一项指数。

M1L Prefix designation for U.S Military Specifications.

MIL “美国军方标准”的英文词头缩写。

Molybdenum Disulfide Chemical compound Of molybdenum and sulfur which has exceUent properties as a solid lubricant due to the type Of moleeular structure Of the particles.

二硫化钼 钼和硫形成的化合物,由于其粒子的独特分子结构,因而成为性能卓越的固体润滑剂。

Multigrade see Multiviscosity.

多级别 见“多级粘度”。

Multipurpose Grease A lubricating grease suitable fOr a variety Of ***lications such as chassis, wheel bearings, univer—sal joints and water pumps On automotive equipment.

多用途润滑脂 指适合多种用途的润滑脂,如:车辆设备中的底盘、车轮轴承、万向节和水泵等的润滑。

Multiviscosity An Oil that meets the low temperature viscosity limits Of one 0f the SAE W numbers as well as the 100℃ viscosity limits Of,the non—W numbers.

多级粘度 既能达到SAE W前边的数字(如:5、10或15等)的低温粘度极限,同时又能达到SAE W后边的数字(如:30、40或50等)100粘度极限的油品。

Naphthenic h***ing the characteristics Of naphthense,which are saturated hydrocarbons containing molecules with at least one closed ring Of carbon atoms.

环烷烃 具有环烷特性的、至少包含一个碳原子闭链的饱和烃。

NLGI Classficat Numbers A series Of numbers used tO classify the consistency(hardlless)Of a grease, based On a standard ASTM cone penetration test.

NLGI级数 根据ASTM针入度测试,用于划分润滑脂稠度(硬度)的——系列数字。

NLGI Service Classification System A system Of letter designations to define class Of automotive chassis and wheel bear-ing greases.

NLGI用途分类体系 用于定义机动车底盘和车轮轴承润滑脂分类的字母代号体系。

Oxidation Stability Ability of alubricant to resist oxidation and deterion resulting from high temperatues and/or ex—posure to air.

氧化稳定性 润滑油抵抗因高温和/或空气作用而氧化或变质的能力。

Paraffinic H***ing the chametefisties()rparaffins,saturated hydroeartx,nsOfopen(,hatn structure.

石蜡族 具有石蜡的特性、具开放式结构的饱和烃。

Penetration Consistency,expressed as the distance that a stanthtrd needle or cone penetrates vertically into a sample of the material under prescribed conditions Of loading,time and temperature

针(锥)入度 在规定的负荷、时间和温度等条件下,以标准化的针或锥垂直进入产品试样的深度来表示的稠度值。

Pour point lowest temperature at which aliquid petroleum product will flow when it is cooled under the conditions of the standant test methed.

倾点 在标准测定方式所规定的条件下,液体石油产品在被降温的过程中能维持流动的最低温度。

Pour Point Depressant An additive which lowers the pour pointroleum petroleum products contmnlng wax by reducing the tendency Of the wax tO collect into a solid mass.

降凝剂 通过抑制石蜡聚集成固体物质的趋向,从而降低含有石蜡的石油产品之倾点的一种添加剂。

Rust and Oxidation(R&O) Additives usd to enhance the rust and oxidation resistance Of oils and greases.

锈蚀和氧化(R&O) 用于提高润滑油和润滑脂的防锈和抗氧化能力的添加剂。

SAE Grade Grade indicating the viscocity range of a crankcase,tran***ission Of rear axle lubricant,according tO the sys—tems designed by SAE.

SAE级别 按照SAE设定的体系,表明用于车辆曲轴箱、变速箱和后轴的润滑油粘度范围的级别。 (SAE


Shear Stability ability of a lubricant such a grease or VI improved Oil to withstand mechanical shearing without being degraded in conslstency or viscosity.

剪切稳定性 润滑产品(如润滑脂或高粘度指数油品)抵抗机械搅拌而不发生稠度或粘度降低的能力。

Soap General term for the“salt”of a fatty acid.Ordinary washing soaps are those Of sodium and potasstum.the soaps (of lithium,sodium,cadcium,barium and aluminum are the principal thickeners used in grease,making.

皂基 对脂肪酸盐的一般性称呼。普通洗涤皂是脂肪酸的钠盐和钾盐。而锂、钠、钙、钡和铝皂,则是生产润滑脂所用的主要稠化剂。

Solvent Neutral Oil(SNO) Base oil manufactured from solevt refined parafllnic lube distillates.

溶剂中和油(SNO) 利用石蜡油蒸馏得到的溶剂而生产出来的基础油。

Solevnt Refined A refining technique to improve the quality Of based oils using selective extraction Of undesirable compo-nents by means Of solvents.

溶剂精制 —利用溶剂作为手段(利用溶剂方式?),有选择性地萃取不需要的组份,进而提高基础油质量的一种精制工艺。

Spindle Oil Low viscosity oil intended for the lubricatio of high speed spindles such as those used in textile mills.

锭子油 用于高速锭子(如纺织机械上的锭子)润滑的低粘度润滑油。

Straight Mineral —Oils which do not contain compounds or“additives'’.

纯矿物油 不含化合物或添加剂的油品。

Salfated Ash Residue that remains aftera sample Of oil has been oxidized under prescribed conditions and the resulting residue redused to a constant weight by heating with sulfuric acid. Used as a measure Of the amount of metallo—organic ad-difivas present in new oils.in used oils the determination may be affected by the presence Of incombustible contaminants such as lead alkyls,dust and wear metals.

硫酸盐灰分 油品试样在规定条件下经氧化形成残渣,并与硫酸一起加热,直至残渣重量降低到恒定值,此时的残渣被称为硫酸盐灰分。硫酸盐灰分被作为一种测定新油品中金属有机物添加剂数量的方法。在用过的油品中,这种测定方法的精确度会由于有不燃烧污染物(如:铅的烷基化物、灰尘以及金属磨屑)的存在而受到影响。

Thermal Stability The property Of alubricant which indicates its ability to resist cracking and decomposition on prolonged exposnre to elevated temperatures.

热稳定性 表明润滑油在长期高温环境中抵抗裂化和分解能力的指标。

Thickener The solid particles which are unformly dispersed to form the structure Of a lubricating grease in which the liquid lubricant is held.

增稠剂 指加入到润滑油中以形成润滑脂的固体颗粒物。这种固体颗粒物在润滑油中以未成形状态分散,形成润滑脂的结构,从而将液体润滑油容纳进这种结构中。

Timken OK Load Maximum loada lubricant will withstand without failure due to breakdown Of the lubricant film, as determined On the Timken EP Lubricant Tester.

Timken OK负荷 在Timken EP测试仪上测定的,润滑油所能承受的、不会因油膜破裂而失效的最大负荷。

Typical Test test results which are characteristics Of a product,normally mean values o***ained from ***ysis Of a number of production batches Of that product.

典型测试 表明一种产品特性的试验结果,通常是对该产品的多个生产批次进行化验分析所得到的平均值。

Viscosity Measure Of the resistance to flow,or intemal friction,Of a fluid.Viscosity changes with temporature so the temperature at which the measuremem was made must always be specked.

运动粘度 表明一种流体抵抗流动或者说是内部摩擦的能力的度量值。运动粘度会随温度变化而变化,因此,在给出运动粘度的数值时,通常必须注明其测试温度。

viscosity index(VI) An arbitary scale used to show the relative magnitude Of viscosity changes with temperature.Higher VI oils h***e less change in viscosity with temperature.

粘度指数(VI) 表明粘度随温度变化相对程度的经验量值.粘度指数越高的油品,其粘度随温度的变化量就越小.

Worked Penetration The penetration of a sample of lubricating grease immediately after it has been brought to 25℃and Worked 60strokes in the ASTM grease Worker.

工作锥入度 在ASTM润滑脂工作机上,润滑脂样品在温度达到25℃并工作60冲次后立即测得的锥入度,即为工作锥入度

标签: #润滑脂

